mahmood: #Ubuntu 13.04: #Alpha Releases Dropped, Only One #Beta Milestone
#Ubuntu 13.04: #Alpha Releases Dropped, Only One #Beta Milestone
View Articlehintze: #steam #beta fuer #linux is stabiler als so manche software nach dem...
#steam #beta fuer #linux is stabiler als so manche software nach dem vierten patch… und auch ohne beta-key: #humblebundle-games laufen :)
View Articlemcgrof: Dear @gmail the new compose sucks for plain text / patches, reverting...
Dear @gmail the new compose sucks for plain text / patches, reverting back #beta
View Articlesanjayankur: !fedora 18 #beta #ARM VFAD tomorrow!
!fedora 18 #beta #ARM VFAD tomorrow!
View Articlesanjayankur: The heroes of !fedora 18 #alpha, #beta testing:
The heroes of !fedora 18 #alpha, #beta testing:
View Articlefedora: RT @sanjayankur The heroes of !fedora 18 #alpha, #beta testing:...
RT @sanjayankur The heroes of !fedora 18 #alpha, #beta testing:
View Articleg: @g this was “typed” using flow, btw. Prediction needs some work, but I...
@g this was “typed” using flow, btw. Prediction needs some work, but I imagine it will improve #beta #SwiftKey
View Articlejohanv: Ok, terminal only then. #f18 #beta.
Ok, terminal only then. #f18 #beta.
View Articleschestowitz: Steam for Linux #beta coming next week to select users...
Steam for Linux #beta coming next week to select users...
View Articleerkanyilmaz: We'll do it like Google does: everything is #beta - even after...
We'll do it like Google does: everything is #beta - even after the release ;-)
View Articleghostdancer: RT @erkanyilmaz We'll do it like Google does: everything is...
RT @erkanyilmaz We'll do it like Google does: everything is #beta - even after the release ;-)
View Articleexpatpaul: ♻ @erkanyilmaz We'll do it like Google does: everything is #beta -...
♻ @erkanyilmaz We'll do it like Google does: everything is #beta - even after the release ;-)
View Articleroamin: PowWow / Collaborative Screen Sharing #beta #mac
PowWow / Collaborative Screen Sharing #beta #mac
View Articlewaraiotoko: El #InfiniteDrive de #Bitcasa abandona la fase #beta y lo celebra...
El #InfiniteDrive de #Bitcasa abandona la fase #beta y lo celebra con un #descuento especial
View Articlempr: @lnxwalt no just the regular #beta available in the Play Store
@lnxwalt no just the regular #beta available in the Play Store
View Article: He visto que ha salido la beta de Ubuntu GNOME 13.04, y como Unity no llega...
He visto que ha salido la beta de Ubuntu GNOME 13.04, y como Unity no llega a gustarme, pues he bajado la ISO, y la he …
View Articleesistimfluss: mit #google #nose: auch als #Beta im...
mit #google #nose: auch als #Beta im deutschsprachigen Raum. #Wahrnehmung Schon probiert?
View Articleerkanyilmaz: Do you think it's correct of #tagesschau to celebrate #Skype's...
Do you think it's correct of #tagesschau to celebrate #Skype's birthday today considering their first public, #beta rel…
View Articledonkrawallo: hereos of !Fedora 19 #beta testing
hereos of !Fedora 19 #beta testing
View Articlel30bravo: ♻ @donkrawallo hereos of !Fedora 19 #beta testing
♻ @donkrawallo hereos of !Fedora 19 #beta testing
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